My star on star fever agency has really bad hair and acne.
How do I treat it?
I've gone to detox therapy, beautitian, hair dresser, tan/peeling, and done cardio activities,
please help me,
also, any tips would be nice :)
My star on star fever agency has acne and bad hair?
i emailed them and asked about this and this is what they said:
For the health issue we閳ユ獫e had a few problems with the visual that sometimes will not be in related to the actual state of your star. Sometimes pimples and unshaved won閳ユ獩 go away. This is something we are currently working on. But make sure you schedule rehab if your star is having an addiction problem (usually talented stars always have a hidden flaw).
My star on star fever agency has acne and bad hair?
wat is star fever, is this a website.
My star on star fever agency has acne and bad hair?
Beautician, detox therapy and etc will make her energy level worst.
Try to get her to rest, or get her on vacation.
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