Saturday, August 1, 2009

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

i want curls exactly like those, i hope my hair dresser does it correct.

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

yeah!! a lot better than her trashy, long blonde/brown/black hair she had on her "dirrty" album cover. yuck. but now her curls are adorable!! i would so want those for my wedding day!! they're so classy and elegant.

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?


Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

I don't like them. =)

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

no, but shes hot.

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

Very cute.

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

And so is all the rest of her. "In the Navy..."

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

They are SO fake......they look like telephone wires. If she burns them into place like that whenever she leaves the house, she'll be bald by the time she's 35 and she'd have to wear a wig. I personally like curls that are a bit more natural, but thats just my point of view

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

they look a bit ghetto

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

I love her curls !

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

Yes, I love Christina Aguilera

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

wow, that is

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

yes they are very cute. very marilyn monroe-ish. i like it.

Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?


Aren't Christina Aguilara's curls cute?

they are awesome

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