Monday, July 27, 2009

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at wor

know the truth, that is what it is. Women love to go on to you, and when I say women, I mean your gf or wife, or whatever situation you are in at the time, they love to go on with you about how their day was at work. And they really don't want to hear YOUR opinion about anything they say, they really just want to rant and try to make MEANING out of their work day. Well you know what ladies, we could CARE LESS how your day was. We could give a rats a ss. Do we go on about how our work day is ???? NO, because you know what??? Men leave their work at work. When we're home, we want to kick our shoes off, chill out, drink a beer, watch sportscenter, the game, eat some dinner, etc. We could care less how your day was, so, cut the rap. WE DON'T CARE, you get it??? If you want to make your man happy, then SHUT UP about how long your day was, how bad your day was, how much you hate a girl at work. We don't care. Tell it to your gay hair dresser. Anyone agree with me?

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

hey buddy, I agree with you... you'll never get it through these womens heads though.... they are thick headed and live in lala land.....

guys are in it for the sex, marraige and sex are good for like the first year or too, then its down hill and you my freind, just got the wool pulled over your eyes!!! lol

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

your attitudes are terrible ... I hope niether of you ever marry or procreate! Report It

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

I'm sorry you feel that way.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Wow, somebody had a rough night.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

thats pretty sad i feel bad for whoever has to deal with you.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

You are the reason I've never had a problem meeting women.

Pigs always find the slop.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

I have to tell you. My husband is interested in everything about my day and he tells me all about his, too. Men like you will never find a good relationship with a woman because you don't care about anyone but yourself. Sad. And you'll never understand what your problem is. You'll just never be happy and you'll die alone.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

I am a woman and I do not bring my work home. My fiancee does. Sometimes I wish he would shut up and let me have my beer and watch the game!!!

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to is "we men COULDN'T care less"....because when you use the word "could" then obviously you "could" care less. Also you are wrong about men leaving their work at husband tells me everything that goes on...and I enjoy hearing about how his day was......I agree that you are a MORON!!!!

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

I'm glad I'm not with you! Were you really expecting positive reactions?

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Part of being a loving, caring husband is to be able to listen to your wife when she needs to vent. Wether you care or not is irrelevent, just listen. You must be young or just stupid. You just don't get it. But the world is full of "IGNORANT" men like you.

Thanks for the good laugh, lmfao........

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to


My husband and I enjoy talking about what happened during our day while we're apart. Sometimes that involves ranting about what happened, sometimes it involves sharing something funny that happened.

I'll bet you have great success with the ladies with this approach, huh?

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Have you just finished reading "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus"? This author describes just this and explains how couples can improve on their communication with each other despite the differences. I would encourage you to read this book if you haven't.

By the way, my husband loves to talk about his day and encourages me to talk about mine. We have effective communication between each other. We are also very happy and compatible.

Doesn't sound like you have been successful in finding a comfortable and compatible relationship. Not all couples are just as you have described. It isn't fair to men or women to generalize! Every couple is different, just like every person is different.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Your girl must of went on about her day a little too long before she LEFT you!....No one cares about how you don't care...cut the rap!

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

This is not true a lot of men bring there work home . alot of men ask there wifes, gf or whoever how there day went at work? alot of women ask men this too. you are a pig. rude and nasty too.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Someone needs to get laid.

My husband and I talk about our days, he goes on and on about work while I get him a beer...

When I read posts like this it makes me feel even more lucky :)

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

I'm sorry you feel that way too. Girls tell other girls and guys stuff like that, not because we want you to care about what we're actually talking about. Girls say that stuff in order to get it off their chest so they can deal with it better. When a girl tells you something, they want you to CARE, but not about what they're talking about. Rather, they want to know that you care about THEM. If she said she had a horrible day because of this and that, she doesn't want you to worry about those things. She wants you to tell her, "I'm sorry that you had a rough day at work. Let's do something together to get your mind off of it." That's what women want to hear when they're ranting. It's not about the fact that she had a hard day at work. It's the fact that she just wants to know that you care about HER. Hope that helps you out a bit. ;)

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Wow! Your attitude stinks! I feel for your g/f or wife if you have one.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

To be honest with you, I would rather not hear it as well. When I get home, I don't go on and on about my day because I have "lived" it all day long and don't care to rehash. My husband on the other hand, likes to go on and on about it and I just tune it out as if I were listening. So, I feel your pain.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Must be having a bad day

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Wow I hate to be your girlfriend, are you one of those demented guys who beats up his wife and kids, sure sounds like you think your better than everyone else, maybe we women wouldn't b*tch so much if we didn't have to come home after 9-10 hours and cook dinner for you and clean the house while you watch tv all night, and b*tch cause you wanted corn instead of beans, I think if you have a girlfriend or wife you better be a little nicer, cause I think your going to find yourself a lonely little man.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

You need tto be alone as in never get married!

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

You have it all wrong! All men are not like you my husband tells me about his day more then I tell him about mine, so whats your problems? You no longer love your wife and can't dael with it and get out you'd rather be mean and show her just what an a_s you really are instead of leaving her wouldn't you? My husband even calls me during the day to tell me how his is going and to ask me how mine is going. That's called love, caring respect and understanding, compassion which you obviously now nothing about!

Did it ever occure to you that venting %26amp; sharing the day is part of communication and an out let for your loved one? You should shut up and listen, you might learn something about how to be a loving, supporting husband, maybe she is needing your advice of how to handle the ****** at work that is giving your wife grief before she quits you stupid fu_k!

You suck as a man and a husband and have menaingless and crulity in your heart, you don't deserv a women in your life and I hope your wife wakes up to your ignorance and your disrepect and leaves your mean butt!

It must make you really feel powerful to treat her the way you do... Maybe if you talked about your day you wouldn't so up tight and act the way you are right now!!! Get out man it's o.k.! Holding it in only makes you blow later and about stupid sh_it like this!

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Well, i am sorry you and your significant other don't get along about this. It's sad because sharing what happened during the day with your sing. other is showing you care and you want her to know and she wants you to know, it means love and it means respect and that's how you learn about each other and that's perfectly normal. You have to understand each other and that's part of understanding.If you don't talk you don't communicate and if you don't communicate don't blame her, your the problem. But find people like you and hang out together. They will agree with you and you'll laugh and make fund of your sign. other together. You'll have a blast. :/

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

You don't have the right to speak for all men, or any men, for that matter. Keep your own personal inadequacies to yourself.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

While I will say your rant is a little harsh, I agree to an extent. I do care about how the wifes day went, I just don't want to know every single minute detail right as I walk in the door. Most of the women I've known liked to delve into all the smallest details and a 2 minute story takes 1 hour. That's where they lose a lot of us guys.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

1. What is your question? Yes this is an open forum but for QUESTIONS.

2. I don't know what men you are taliking about but ALL the men I know go ON and ON about their day at work.

3. My husband does really care and if I don't tell him about my day he worries about what might have happened.

4. I bet you're single (or will be soon as you gf/wife leaves you for some one that cares).

5. You are a very, very sad little man and I hope you one day grow up.

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

sorry you feel that way, do you think she ever gets tired of hearing you *****? i bet she does...thats probably why she spends so much time talking, so you dont get to

A word to the wise for women. We "men" could care less how "your" day was at work. If you really want to

Wait until you have a couple kids and she's a stay at home mother...... !!!!!

Then you can come home from work and listen to her b*tch about how much work and a handful the kids were all day, how some other miserable b*tchy wife @ PTO slighted her, how she never has enough time to get all the "housework" done - and that she's too tired to pay any attention to you or even THINK about sex !!!

Then she'll ask you to take the kids because SHE needs a break from them (because you've had a BREAK from being a 'Dad" b/c you got to go to work !!!) - yes this is an actual statement in our house !!!!

Then you'll do a couple loads of laundry, start the dineer, b/c she didn't have "time" to think about it today, yet get told later that night that you don't do enough to help out arouond the house !!!!

I'm sorry you feel the way you do - but it only gets worse with time......

I honestly don't know what's WRONG with this generation of women. They have more choices, more opportunities, and more help from their husbands thatn ANY other generation in history - yet they tend to think its OK to b*tch, complain, and harp on their spouse ad nauseum for ANY reason and subject.

Then if you EVER let on that you're gettting tired of hearing her "vent" - you get accused of not being supportive and ,"If I can't talk to YOU about it - then who am I supposed to talk to?" - Husbands are the verbal whipping post of many a frustrated / unsatisfied / insatiable wife.

Its not just MY relationship - either. Ask ANY of the guys on my block that have been married more than 5 years with 1 kid or more..... It doesn't get better with time.

If I had KNOWN this 15 years ago - my life would be MUCH different than it is now......

Young men - you have been warned !!

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